Browser Privacy and Performance


While the VPN helps you hide your IP address at the network level, your web browser may be leaking your IP address (and other sensitive information) at the application level.

In this article we'll discuss a few options to reduce the leaking of such information.

Browser recommendations

The easiest way to improve privacy and performance in the browser is using browser extensions. (Sometimes called add-ons or plug-ins.)

The extensions below are highly recommended.

Block trackers

Block ads

HTTPS enforcement

  • Brave: HTTPS Everywhere built-in
  • Chrome: HTTPS Everywhere
  • Firefox: <a href="" TARGET="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">HTTPS Everywhere
  • Vivaldi: HTTPS Everywhere

Fingerprint protection

  • Brave: built-in
  • Chrome: partial protection by ScriptSafe and Canvas Defender
  • Firefox: partial protection by CanvasBlocker
  • Vivaldi: partial protection by ScriptSafe and Canvas Defender

Secure password storage

  • Brave: Bitwarden and others are built-in
  • Chrome: Bitwarden
  • Firefox: Bitwarden
  • Vivaldi: built-in, though we recommend using Bitwarden for convenient syncing to other platforms.

Brave is currently the only browser with effective protection against fingerprinting.

uBlock and uBlock Origin are not the same thing. We recommend the Origin version.

Browser plugins/extensions

Privacy Badger

Most websites use invisible trackers to gather information about their visitors. As these trackers work across different websites they're able to create a comprehensive profile of your Internet activities.

Installing the Privacy Badger extension helps you control which trackers are allowed to track you and on which websites they're allowed to do so. In most cases you can block the tracking entirely without affecting the website's functionality.

uBlock Origin

uBlock Origin is one of the fastest and most efficient blockers available. It blocks ads, trackers and malware. Blocking ads and trackers helps to avoid tracking, removes distracting elements and prevents them from being downloaded.

Blocking trackers and ads speeds up your Internet experience significantly. uBlock Origin in particular has shown to reduce CPU use by up to 97%, memory use by up to 75%. (Source)

HTTPS everywhere

Using HTTPS instead of HTTP ensures nobody can eavesdrop your communication with a website. Unfortunately not all websites that support HTTPS make it their default protocol.

The HTTPS everywhere extension will automatically switch you from HTTP to HTTPS for websites that are known to support HTTPS. You no longer have to worry about entering https:// instead of http:// yourself.


Trying to remember all your passwords invariably leads to using simple, predictable or duplicate passwords. Bitwarden helps you create unique and secure passwords for every website you use.

These passwords are then stored in a vault which is encrypted with a single passphrase. The vault can optionally be secured with 2-factor authentication.

As a bonus, Bitwarden synchronises the vault between all your browsers and mobile devices.

Reliable alternatives to Bitwarden are: Lastpass (free) and 1Password (paid).


Modern browsers are able to determine your exact location by looking at Wi-Fi routers in your area, your IP address and other information available on your computer. Using HTML5, websites are able to request this information from the browser.

Unfortunately it's not possible to block this with a browser extension. Below are instructions on how to disable location sharing manually.


Open your Chrome Settings. Scroll down and click the Advanced link at the bottom. Now open the Content Settings in the Privacy and Security section, then open the Location settings.

Disable the Ask before accessing (recommended) option to completely block location requests. (Yes, this is somewhat counter-intuitive.) If you prefer, you can leave the option enabled, but you'll have to be very careful not to dismiss any browser pop-ups.

Finally, delete any sites that you find in the Allow section. Note that Google itself will always be able to access your location. Their permission is hardcoded in the browser and cannot be disabled.


Firefox has hidden the geo-location option on the special about:config page. Open the about:config page and click the I'll be careful, I promise! button.

Search for the geo.enabled enabled option and switch it to false. Now search the geo.wifi.uri option and remove the URL, or replace it with something safe, like .